This is the story of Tina, a former nun, who left the convent to find her purpose.

The top portion of this work is Heaven and the bottom portion is earth.

Heaven is illustrated by a stained glass cathedral-shaped like a butterfly.

The butterfly symbolizes spirituality and worship.

Beneath the medallion, the central figure of a woman with outstretched arms shouts “This is my world!” 

This is Tina’s world. 

On earth, depicted in her childhood, kids play in the street in front of her house.

Tina, the little girl in the green dress, is roller skating.

Her three sisters are jumping rope, riding a bike and sitting and reading on the long front stairway familiar to the Bronx.

Mom and Dad peek out the windows enjoying the activities.  Uncle Mike is at the front door, he comes often for family dinners.

Music from a victrola floats out the window.

Tina, now a young mother, sits with her son reading to him, both cuddled together under the tree.

To the right is another image of Tina sitting side by side with her husband, her true love.

Tina’s dog, Daisy, is treated like their child.

Tina is one with nature: the arching butterfly above, the birds in the trees, the zebra-like figure and giraffe.

Tina is both spiritual and well grounded.